Iliotibial Band Syndrome - Exercises and Treatment

Iliotibial bandage (IT Band) Syndrome is a arresting antecedent of knee and hip affliction for athletes, and is one of the best accepted causes of crabbed knee affliction in runners. best cases of iliotibial bandage affection action as the aftereffect of "too much, too soon" or poor biomechanics and can be prevented with these simple tips and alert to your body.

Anatomy of the Iliotibial Band

Toe Shoes

The iliotibial bandage is a blubbery bandage of tissue Alternating the alien allotment of the leg that runs from the hip to the knee. affliction can action either in the hip or the alfresco allotment of the knee as the iliotibial bandage rubs beyond the greater trochanter and the crabbed epicondyle of the femur.

Iliotibial bandage affection Symptoms

Symptoms of iliotibial bandage affection accommodate affliction at the alfresco allotment of the knee that is worse aback angle or extending the knee, such as during active or cycling Other affection accommodate affliction on the alfresco allotment of the hip over the greater trochanter.

Causes of Iliotibial bandage Syndrome

Tightness in the iliotibial bandage is a accepted cause. Weakness in the anatomy about the hip and buttocks (gluteus muscles) can account boundless hip and leg rotation, consistent in Added accent on the iliotibial band. Other factors that can advance to IT bandage affection accommodate active on a angled apparent such as the bank or alley and boundless pronation or rolling in of the foot.

Iliotibial bandage affection Prevention

Iliotibial bandage affection can be prevented by alienated overtraining, acceptance for able accretion and rest, afterward a approved addition and deepening affairs and selecting able active shoes for your active style.

Treatment of Iliotibial bandage Syndrome

Ice beating to the aching breadth for 10 to 15 account afterwards workouts can abatement the pain. For astute injuries (less than 2 weeks) anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) or naproxen (Aleve or Naprosyn) can advice with affliction and irritation. In abiding injuries there is beneath deepening of the tissue, therefor acetaminophen (Tylenol) may be Added appropriate.

Iliotibial bandage Stretches

Stretching of the iliotibial bandage is an important basic of able rehabilitation if the bandage is tight. One simple amplitude is to angle and cantankerous your afflicted leg abaft your absolute leg and angle over to blow your toes. A Added avant-garde adaptation of this exercise is to again extend the accoutrements aerial and boring ability to the adverse ancillary (for the appropriate IT band, extend the accoutrements to the left) and again abide the amplitude as the accoutrements ability for the floor. As you accomplish this exercise, you should feel the amplitude in the ancillary and aback on the hip. If you acquaintance affliction or beef access again abate the motion during the stretch.

The built-in IT bandage amplitude is performed while sitting on the attic with the legs out straight. angle at the hip and knee, booty the afflicted leg and cantankerous it over the absolute leg. aberration the high anatomy appear the afflicted ancillary to abide the stretch. An addition adjustment is to boring extend the knee and leg of the bound IT bandage to access the stretch.

Seated Iliotibial bandage Stretch

The"Figure-4' amplitude is an exercise that can be done while built-in at a desk. While seated, cantankerous the abate of the afflicted leg on top of the adverse knee. The amplitude can be continued by either agilely blame the channelled knee bottomward appear the attic or by aptitude advanced at the waist and acceptance your anatomy weight to access the stretch. authority the amplitude for 5 to 10 abnormal and again boring relax.

Foam Roller Stretch

A cream roller is a abundant apparatus to breach up blister tissue and advice with myofascial absolution of the iliotibial band. The amplitude is performed by rolling the afflicted leg aback and Alternating beyond the cream roller. Focus on the hip and alfresco allotment of the thigh. The exercise can be done circadian for several minutes. Try the rolling with the knee beeline and the knee flexed. Gradually access the bulk of time anniversary week.

Strength contest for Iliotibal bandage Syndrome

Strengthening the gluteus anatomy is additionally important in iliotibial bandage syndrome. footfall lunges and leg squats can advice access gluteal beef backbone and are anticipate boundless hip centralized circling and Added accent beyond the knee and iliotibial band. For athletes that are aggravating to adjust from IT bandage syndrome, a bit-by-bit access to backbone training of the gluteal anatomy is recommended.

Side Leg Lifts

Side leg lifts focus on deepening the crabbed gluteal anatomy as able-bodied as teaching the amateur the actual anatomy to focus on. ancillary leg lifts are performed lying on the side, with the afflicted leg on top. Keeping the hip and knee straight, boring lift the top basal twelve to twenty-four inches anon aloft the basal foot.

Hold the position for 5 to 10 abnormal and boring acknowledgment the leg to the starting position. Focus on application the gluteal anatomy and not the crabbed thigh anatomy to lift the leg. Repeat this exercise 5 to 10 times in sets of 2 or 3.

Hip Hitches (Pelvic Drop) Exercises

Hip hitches or pelvic bead contest are addition adjustment of convalescent gluteal beef strength. angle on a footfall or animated belvedere with the afflicted leg. The artless ancillary should adhere off the bend of the step. boring relax your achievement and the abdomen should angle bottomward appear the artless leg as the basal lowers. Concentrate on application the gluteal (buttock) anatomy on the continuing leg and accompany the achievement aback to a beeline position.


Wallbangers advice accommodate addition adjustment of convalescent gluteal beef strength. angle erect and one to two anxiety abroad from the bank with the afflicted hip appear the wall. With accoutrements continued out in front, boring bead and aberration abroad from the bank until the hip agilely contacts the wall. Don't authority this position - acknowledgment to the starting position. As you accomplish this exercise, you should feel the gluteal anatomy in the hip abutting to the bank arrangement as you acknowledgment to the cocked position.

Frontal even Lunges

Frontal even lunges are addition simple exercise that access gluteal beef strength. continuing with the anxiety shoulder-width apart, boring footfall to the appropriate and lower the anatomy into a broad position. Shift the anatomy weight from the larboard to the appropriate leg and acceleration from the broad position as you accompany the larboard leg aback beneath your body. Repeat the exercise in the adverse administration by dispatch to the larboard and repeating the aloft steps.

Sample Exercise Program

Week 1

Every day - addition contest - already circadian for absolute of 5 to 10 account in anniversary session. Ice as bare afterwards stretching. Days 1, 3 and 5 - backbone contest - alpha with 8 to 10 repetitions and one or two sets. Focus aloft able form.

Week 2

Everyday - addition contest - Twice circadian for absolute of 5 to 10 account in anniversary session. Ice as bare afterwards stretching. Days 1, 2,4 and 5 - backbone contest - alpha with 10 to 12 repetitions and two to three sets. abide to focus aloft able form.

Key credibility to bethink for Iliotibial bandage Syndrome

There are several key credibility to bethink with iliotibial bandage syndrome. The focus should be on addition of the iliotibial bandage and deepening the anatomy about the hip back weakness in these anatomy generally is the primary account of the injury. Limiting increases in active breadth to about 10% account can advice anticipate injuries from "too much, too soon". able addition afterwards abating up and afore cooling bottomward can advice anticipate re-injury.Sometimes, beat active shoes with poor accomplished abutment can advance to boundless pronation of the basal and Added accent on the iliotibal band. bethink that best active shoes aftermost for 300 to 400 afar and charge to be replaced. Having an able at a active shoe abundance can advice in selecting the able shoe for your basal and active style.

Don't balloon the accent of accretion and balance in an exercise program. While a little anguish is a assurance that your anatomy is adapting to the Added training, affliction is your body's arresting to apathetic down.

Return to active and Activity

The often-asked catechism of best runners and ability athletes is aback they can acknowledgment to active with iliotibial bandage problems. A bit-by-bit acknowledgment to active can activate already an amateur can accomplish the contest after pain. While alone after-effects may vary, best iliotibial bandage affection cases boldness with 4 to 6 weeks of rehabilitation.

A acknowledgment to active affairs should focus on able biomechanics and abstain triggering factors (sloped or asperous surfaces). Studies accept apparent that faster paced active has beneath affliction of the iliotibial bandage due to the channelled position of the knee at basal bang against apathetic paced jogging.

We acclaim accessible and abbreviate fast-paced active on Alternating canicule on collapsed arena for the aboriginal anniversary with a bit-by-bit acknowledgment to longer, slower paced runs over the abutting 2 weeks. Additionally, alienated decline active or on angled surfaces (side of the road) can advice anticipate re-injury.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome - Exercises and Treatment

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